Maelstrom Winery and Cidery now offers tours
Huron County’s first winery, just outside of Clinton, offers tours of its vineyards by the owners and tastings of any of their five wines, and three ciders.
Catherine and Jim Landsborough and their son Brian pioneered wine making in Huron, when they turned a passion for wine and a difficult piece of land on their farm on Sanctuary Line, just east and south of Clinton, into the county’s first vineyard. When the vineyard became productive they opened Maelstrom Winery and Cidery several years ago and now have a retail store and hold tours of the vineyard and winery. Wine tastings are available during store operating hours for groups of fewer than 10 people. If you have 10 or more they ask that you book a tour, that will last 30-75 minutes, by calling or by email.
Tastings and tours are run by the Landsborough family which means questions asked will be answered by the family that started it all.
During the summer season, the site is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and encourages visitors to drop by.
For more information, visit the website, at,